24 Days and Counting….

by Margie on March 30, 2009

My time here in Athens has been wonderfully packed with family and great friends. But after only a little less than two weeks since his departure, I’m starting to feel like I am missing my right arm or something without Drew.

What some might not realize is Drew and I spent EVERYDAY/EVERYNIGHT together from my arrival in the Marquesas in September to the 18th of March when he flew out of Raleigh. It’s weird rolling over in the morning and him not being there. An extra blanket on the bed to substitute for the warmth I guess….    even though the softest of threads could never replace the real thing!

It’s really hard…me here, him so far over there. I’ve found myself constantly attached to my cell phone because the thought of him calling and me missing it scares the hell out of me. It may be my own paranoia but it’s hard not to think the worst if I don’t hear anything from him for several hours or if I wake up and there is not a text from him on my phone. Those usually arrive around 4:45 AM here because of the time difference. It never wakes me up but it’s a reassurance when I do welcome another day that he is safe and sound. More and more I understand the “call me when you get there”s that my mom and dad used to push on me so badly. At the time the constant worrying was so unnecessary to me but now…some 12 years later…i get it.

My brother is getting married this weekend which is my sole purpose for staying behind an extra month. Drew and I got very lucky in their timing because had they chosen to get married in the summer then there was a good chance that I may not have been able to be there due to costs. I wish that Drew could be here but he was so worried about the boat after the break-in that wedding or not, he had to return.

I feel like I should be eating nothing but sandwiches until he is able to get the tank refilled so that he can cook. My boyfriend will probably be about 20 pounds lighter the next time I see him! Until then, my weeks will be filled with getting myself ready to leave the country for seven months. At least packing my clothes won’t be difficult. Life on a sailboat doesn’t call for much more than swimsuits, shorts, and tank tops!

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