Just trying to keep up with the world…

by Drew on March 15, 2009

Well here I am again!  Welcome to the new blog.   I went with a simpler setup this time and I’m running the whole thing myself.  No more relying on other people to make changes!  I’m trying to make the design as user friendly as possible but of course, I’m always open to suggestions.  Over the next few weeks I’ll write some posts about the blog itself, it’s features, and our plans for it.  I head back to the boat on Wednesday so I’ll have plenty of time sitting in French Polynesia by myself to finish all the details and start writing again.   Once Margie joins me in mid-April, I’ll probably hand off most of the writing to her except those technical boat-type posts that only appeal to a certain audience (i.e. boat people).  So welcome back to all my family and friends and readers of the old blog and welcome to all the new people!  There is tons more to come so bookmark us and keep checking back.

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