A Revision to Sundays in the South Pacific

by Drew on April 19, 2009

**Jessica, if you see this, I keep trying to email you but it comes back undeliverable.  Send me an email from another account.  I see you got the blog uploaded.**

Allow me to revise my earlier entry where I spoke of everyone disappearing on Sundays in the South Pacific Islands.  From what I’ve seen that is the case in many islands but today I discovered Tahiti is a completely different animal.  Sunday on the big island seems to be Get-Out-On-Your-Boat Day.  After they found me hiding out on a private mooring opposite Taina Marina I headed back to the quay downtown.  The trip between takes you right beside the runway for the airport.  You actually have to call Harbor Control as you pass on either end of the runway to make sure there’s no jets taking off or landing.  I taken this route several times now and usually it’s just me, a bunch of guys in outriggers, and the daily procession of tidal trash heading out the main pass.  Today, there were water skiers, jet skiers, bow bunnies, and hundreds of boats anchored along the length of the sand shelf leading up to reef.  I had no idea.  If Easter Sunday over here saw an increase in traffic like I saw in Moorea last weekend, I can’t imagine what the reef looked like.

Looks like I’ll be here at the Quay till Marge gets here.  Priority number one is getting the outboard running.  I may call my miracle worker from last year and see what he thinks.  There’s a big concert on Friday.  Alpha Blondy, the famous French Reggae star is playing.  I’m not buying tickets but it’s right on the harbor and it should echo out of the water.  Hopefully we’ll have the dinghy running so we can anchor it out down there and chill.  Hell, maybe I’ll take Dosia over there.  Tomorrow he’s playing at one of the bars downtown so I plan to take all the film gear over and see what I can get.  After the weekend and we provision the boat, I think we’ll start sailing around Tahiti since I’d like to anchor on the southside of the island near the Billabong Pro Surfing Competition in the beginning of May.  That also puts us at a better angle to sail back to the Tuamotus for a couple of weeks.  I gotta get Margie in the water with some sharks.  At least that’s the plan…I’m not telling her that though.

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