An extra day in Huahine…

by Margie on June 13, 2009

While we had every intention to head to Tahaa on Thursday, better plans came up and we stuck around Huahine for another night. Thursday morning we traded Drew’s outboard engine expertise for breakfast burritos aboard Honeymoon. After a couple of hours, Seth and Drew had the engine up and running again so we decided to stick around for the day and all rent bikes to get some exercise and to take a trip around the island. For 1000 CFP you could rent a bike for half the day and 1500 CFP got you the whole day. We were closer to noonish getting there to pick them up so the guy cut us a deal and let us have four bikes until six o’clock for roughly ten bucks each. Not too shabby!
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Shabby was me trying to get around Huahine on this bicycle! First two hours the roads were flat and there were no problems. Second half of the trip turned into huge hills, one of which had to be at a 45 degree angle that went up for at least two miles. That bike gut checked me really quickly and made me realize what horrible shape I am in!

So what do the four of us do to reward ourselves for our hard days work….margaritas, mexican food, and monopoly! Okay, doesn’t exactly make a lot of sense but hey, it was fun and that’s what is most important, right?
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Friday morning we were up and out of the anchorage by 8:30. Drew pulled up the mileage to Bora Bora and realized it was a little farther than we had originally thought and we had plans to do dinner at the yacht club that evening with other cruisers. We ended up motoring the whole way over and got into the anchorage around 4:30 and were back in the presence of our buddies on Obsession, Zen, and Flashback. We all went to dinner that night and it was fabulous! Drew and I had been saving up our “dining out” cash for Bora Bora because Drew said the food at the yacht club looked and smelled so amazing. It didn’t disappoint and we ended up sitting on the porch talking to Jeff and Julie until one in the morning. It’s been a long time since we’ve stayed up that late and it was well worth the sacrifices that came with Saturday : )


Liz June 16, 2009 at 1:45 pm

Love the pic of you guys and the Monopoly board! All the new ones on flickr are amazing. looks like so much fun. 🙂

Margie June 16, 2009 at 2:26 pm

Thanks Liz! It’s actually one of my favorite pics we’ve taken so far on the trip! I’ve been sitting here asking when everyone’s birthdays are so I’ll have an excuse to bake again. I’m loving cooking on the boat so far this trip. I’m sure that will change when we’re under passage and the stove is moving but for now it’s been awesome. Thanks so much for staying in touch with us. It means the world to us : )

Liz June 20, 2009 at 7:48 pm

hope my emails aren’t too boring! my life her is lame compared to yours! miss you!

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