Getting a feel for the “good” life : )

by Margie on June 19, 2009

Dressed in our best (which for us these days is anything without a stain), Drew held out his hands and did the all too intriguing “pick one.” Oh…decisions, decisions…okay, left one. 4S. “Okay, looks like today it’s the Four Seaons, tomorrow the St. Regis.” Not knowing whether we’d even be allowed in the resort, we wanted to at least look presentable. Drew even went so far as to pull out a buttondown shirt. “Babe, we’re hopefully going to be poolside and it’s 95 degrees out. I don’t even think Bill Gates would have one on if he were here.” I admired his thought process and found it ridiculously cute.

Surprisingly when we dinghied up to their shuttle docks we got nothing more than a wave and a Tahitian hello. I think somewhere in my mind I had conguered up that because movie stars and the elite are known to frequent here that there would be top notch security and hip designers and jewelers represented on every man and woman in sight. Quite the opposite, actually, and we blended right in.

We toured the grounds, which included a “kiddy island” for the folks to send their offspring to, 121 hideaways, three restaurants, a spa, a fitness center, and a project underway to build private residencies so that for the right price you can become a homeowner on the property! That’s lovely and all but I was more interested in the gym. That was the first time I’d felt air conditioning in two months : )
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We found our way to the pool and sat at the bar to get a couple of drinks. Drew told the bartender we were visiting from the St. Regis. No questions asked, the bartender started us a tab by name that we were to simply pay at the front desk when we left the resort. Easy enough! I was so happy!!! Nothing like being in paradise IN paradise. We spent several hours sitting by the pool drinking beers and eating lunch. The lunch was mediocre but at $27 for a panini, I assume we were paying for the atmosphere more so than the food. Nonetheless, a good time was had by all and we’re looking forward to comparing the St. Regis tomorrow. Wait…we should know already…how quickly I forget we are staying there : )
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