Dosia, Bluewater Cruising Sailboat For Sale

by Drew on September 7, 2009

The Vava'u Yacht Club Dosia coming into the Vava'u Harbor in Tonga

I put off writing this blog post for the past several months but alas, it is time. The need to admit the facts not only to the readers and fans but to myself has finally come. At some point next year, we will return to the states for what I like to call “a nice, long while.” In the next couple of weeks, Dosia will enter the international yacht market; for sale to anyone, anywhere. She is my finest work of art; a modest American production boat turned world cruising yacht. November will mark my 7th year of ownership, a fair amount of time to get to know and fall in love with a boat. She’s carried me halfway around the world in safety and comfort and for that, she will always remain a part of me.

My choice to leave the cruising lifestyle is a mixed bag of wants and needs and obligations. I want a family and a career. I need money (for a bigger boat one day). And I feel obligated to my parents and my grandmother, who deserve to see that the time and money spent on my rearing was not wasted, and to Margie, who without hestitation left behind her huge circle of family and friends to join me on this adventure. It is not a sad time at all. I’m 31. I will have spent four years off and on traveling the world. I crossed the Pacific Ocean and saw places and things most people only dream about. I have no doubt I will return to do it again, most likely more than once in the years to come. My hope is that by returning now and starting to build a life at home I can make it back out here sooner, rather than later. And that when I come, I have with me my family, my new big-ass boat with room for visitors, and the same spirit of adventure I live with now.

And there it is. The plan. En famille to the next stage of my life. As for now, we’re still heading to NZ. We have no intention of stopping this adventure early! New Zealand and Australia are both on the list of places to see before we return to the states. If the boat sells before then, as it will be priced to do, we’ll move onto land and continue our travels till it is time to head home.

Got an opinion on this? Please, please, please leave a comment on this post. I’d love to know what others have to say.


Sted September 7, 2009 at 10:41 pm

I can’t believe it’s ending! I love keeping up with you guys. Don;t go!

dc September 8, 2009 at 9:26 am

I’m a new reader, and former cruiser. Think hard before going back home without the boat.

The money is great, but the stuff you acquire will mire you strongly to the shore. It has been ten years since we stepped off the boat and it has been fun but now we are too wrapped up in jobs and housepayments to consider leaving again. My cruising is done vicariously through blogs like your own.

How about sailing back to the US? At least you will have your boat, and you can live aboard while transitioning to a shore based lifestyle. Maybe you will sell the boat, but maybe you may find yourself doing a return to the sea.

Good luck on your future, all the best on your endeavors.

Springer September 8, 2009 at 3:15 pm

I love your boat and can’t wait to see how much you ask for it however I do agree some with the guy above. How much would it cost to get it back to the states?

Sarah September 9, 2009 at 11:29 am

Drew, as someone fortunate enough to watch the genesis of your boat restoration, I can say with heartfelt meaning that Dosia is the finest of bluewater cruisers. The effort and energy you expended in preparing her for this grand adventure was (and is) mind-boggling.

Your attitude towards the next grand adventure (kids, really?) is just what we’d expect from such an intrepid soul. You and Margie seem wonderfully suited to each other and are ready for where life takes you from cruising.

I congratulate you on what you’ve accomplished thus far; so many dream of going sailing but far fewer manage it with such tenacity. Again, I am honored that we’ve gotten to live vicariously through you these 7 years, Drew, and wish you a not-too-speedy sale and lots of fun wrapping up your travels in New Zealand and Australia.

With best wishes,
Sarah McLester

Beverly September 9, 2009 at 8:17 pm

Man, I hope it sells fast for you. You seem to take really good care of it so I don’t doubt it will. Best of luck! What will you do with the blog???


The Adventure Life September 10, 2009 at 3:45 pm

We may be interested in purchasing your domain/blog whenever you’re done sailing. If you’re interested that is. Hate to see you go though!

apryl mae September 10, 2009 at 7:58 pm

I think you should keep blogging – the adventure doesnt stop here – you dont have to be cruising the far seas to be a great writer, you’ve been lost at sea, get lost on land

Rich S/V THIRD DAY Pearson 365 Ketch September 10, 2009 at 8:52 pm

“it” eventually happens to us all Drew, sooner of later we all have to end our cruise and go back “Home”. For some reason when we do go back, it’s often with a sense of surrendering, rather than with the well earned Triumphant Return. You my friend have earned a parade in your honor for doing and living the life so many people dream about but don’t muster the courage to pull off. I’m sitting here in San Felipe Mexico in the Sea of Cortez knowing that one day, I’ll write a simular blog entry as yours. I’m not sure how I’ll handle that day, that decision, and that blog post, but when that day comes, we will tackle it as just another glorious day.

Now get back to enjoying your time and keep us posted on your adventures!

Drew September 10, 2009 at 9:52 pm

Great comments. I really appreciate anything you’ve got to say. Keep em coming. Let us know what you think!

Drew and Marge

Honeymooners Heather & Pete September 10, 2009 at 10:06 pm

It was great to meet you in Raratonga! We wish you all the best. Can’t believe you have been sailing for so long. We love to read your posts. Good Luck

Liz September 11, 2009 at 6:18 pm

it is an interesting comment to not sell Dosia. However, those of us who know you understand that this does not mean you will get sucked into life on land and not return to the water. It’s who you are! I would LOVE to visit you on a bigger boat (with the family in tow, if you’ll have us!) Just make sure you have a remedy for my motion sickness, ok? 🙂

Sandman September 11, 2009 at 9:49 pm

No matter what you’ve done it the right way. Get out while you’re young. If you can do it again one day great but don’t assume you’ll be able to and miss out altogether because of something that happens later Wish you the best

John September 12, 2009 at 9:51 am

I think this is karma. Keep going!

From the blog of the Niue Yacht Club
On Friday Sep 11, 2009, 15:31, keithv wrote:

Strange but True

How often does your tender arrive at your destination, three weeks after you do ??

Not often I suspect. Hover this did happen. Dorius was sampling the delights of Beveridge reef a day and a bits sailing from here – note the technical term the Commodore has used to measure distances traveled between A & B – The captain and crew went on board the other yacht for “drinkies’ but when they came on deck, no tender.

Consternation but too dark to search.

Both yachts did extensive sweeps the next morning but no luck.

Three weeks later a local fisherman found the tender with outboard still attached 50 metres from the unforgiving reef here on Niue.

He took it in tow and brought it back to the landing.

I had already learned of Dorius’s plight and so we were able to let him know that the tender had been found, and today the tender and motor that despite being immersed in the sea for a long period, had been cleaned out and seems to be working.

The Yacht Club is now looking for a large enough yacht to carry both deflated tender and motor on to Vavau.

The other alternative is to take it down to the wharf, put a label on it “Please deliver to Vavau” and let the wind and currents do their thing again.

To think that in such a vast expanse of the South Pacific ocean that wind and currents could bring a craft here is amazing.

Perhaps the Gods of the Sea were watching over it.



there’s a picture and the boat looks fine

kevin Barber September 13, 2009 at 4:10 pm

Wouldn’t it be awesome if we could somehow figure out a way to trade boats for a month? Laura and I would hang out in Austrialia, and you guys could be in Florida I will keep dreaming.

Drew September 14, 2009 at 1:03 am

In all reality you’re more than welcome to come down and cruise Dosia around NZ for a month or two! We’ll be back in the states and then traveling the south island for a while so she’ll just be sitting there in Whangarei!

Skip September 14, 2009 at 9:17 am

I’ve been following you since way before you were walking between the raindrops, since your earliest blogs when you were restoring Dosia, and I’m saddened, but I understand, by your decision to settle down. You come across in your writings as an old soul, mature in your understanding of life, and you’ve demonstrated this by how you’ve lived. Good job. If I can put in my two cents worth, I’d say don’t sell Dosia; you’ve put too much of yourself into her. Take her back to the States and sail her on occasion. Work towards a bigger boat, if that’s what you want, and sell Dosia when you get it, but I fear that giveing her up coupled with the abrupt change of lifestyle could prove to be a real downer for you. You can swing it… keep Dosia.
Good luck,

Georgie September 14, 2009 at 7:43 pm

I guess I would have to read Skip’s comment and wonder how much it would cost to get Dosia back to the states whether you sail it yourself, have it delivered, or shipped. I assume you’re heading back to the east coast right? That could prove time-consuming and/or really expensive.

Third Degree September 15, 2009 at 12:37 am

Man,…….I hate to see you guys go back. I have been holding you guys in my rearview mirror knowing that someday I will take off too. Reading your blog has taken me there a little earlier and I know that I will get off the hard soon. Are you sure you want to put up with this daily grind, as I call it, and trade it all in for the cookie cutter life? You could start that family, yeah you would have to find a port for a while, but cruise on. You have more than you know within the writings of this blog. Why not put it to ink in a book? What’s another year while you really figure it out. I realize that Margie is a 10 of a fine all boat girls are just like mine. You never let a boat girl go and you always try and keep them happy. What ever the final final decision is I do hope you keep up the blog as one other reader suggested. Cruise on Drew and Margie!

Bru September 19, 2009 at 7:32 am

Hi Drew and Marge,

I admit to being a recent reader, but at 60 have some lessons learned the hard way. I did the career thing, got the big house on five acres, put old and new stuff in it, nice wheels, etc. Now the house is sold, we downsized and stuff we had to have flew out the door and is not missed, and our boat is on the hard being upgraded (to take up where you leave off). My advice is travel light, keep the boat, and try for your family the kind of life Tom Neale wrote about in his book All in the Same Boat.

All the best,


Kevin Kirkpatrick October 6, 2009 at 3:29 pm

Hi. Just found your blog and love it. WIsh I had found it when you began. Now here is my story and something for you to consider.

I worked 31 yrs for a major railroad, had businesses on the side etc. and hated every day at work there. House payments, kids and bills kept me tied there and was a drudgery. Now at 53, I have the chance of a lifetime but my wife still tied to her career. She is in the medical community and just cannot see herself cutting lose for another ten years. She is going to wait too long to even have a chance of doing what you did.

Would I trade my kids etc, for your life. NO, but kids can live anywhere too. I think we all end up at the same place honestly. Old and worn out. Its not what you have that counts, its what you do.

You have had the adventure of a lifetime and I envy you that. If you choose to stop and live closer to f and f then good for you. But think about what you give up for what you get. Some ppl would say its worth it. Others, myself included, say its not. You only get ONE shot at life. Think kids. Whatever you do choose, I wish you the best. Now is not the best time for careers anyway.

If I was to recommend a path for you, it would involve the medical field of some kind and you could do online courses aboard your boat to get you ready for that. I dont know your backgrounds but maybe post that and we can help you find jobs, careers?

Good luck kiddos

Cpt B October 9, 2009 at 8:39 pm

Why would you want to come back to the US? This country is headed for some dark times. This is not the country it used to be and It is not going to be a nice place to raise a family. Many people are leaving while they still can. There is not future in the police state that Amerika has turned into. Wait another year and I guarantee you will know what I am talking about.
All the best to you both.

GP October 15, 2009 at 12:12 pm

I understand the desire to move on to the next stage in life. As I’m sure each of us recognize, the adventure in life can be found many different ways. You want kids and a family and I think that’s great. I understand why. Of course that doesn’t mean your adventure has to stop. You could move around, do things you’ve never expected– or even wanted– to do. Guaranteed, if you approach your next steps with the zeal you’ve had for life so far, adventure will follow. Your next adventure may not be on a boat or the kind you can take pictures of, but it will be adventure.
Also, you’re probably just the type of person who should strive for a family, kids and career (if it’s what you want). You’re daring, adventurous, see opportunities in life and understand the importance of seizing them. The world needs people like that… and their kids!
But if you choose to keep cruising, I’d understand that too!

Good luck!

Becky October 16, 2009 at 4:51 pm

Hi there you two,

I stumbled onto your blog while I was browsing boats for sale (yours is too small). I’m a couple years ahead of you. My husband and I both lived aboard and went offshore for awhile (he, months, me years) but before we met each other. Sell your lovely boat and buy a sweet daysailer when you get to where you are going. Land life is definitely a switch in gears, but it has lots of great things about it too. If you are planing to have kids, you will have a few intense years where owning a boat that needs maintenance would not be what you need (IMHO). We have a 3 year old and a 1 year old and plan to head out again with another family in a few years when everyone is big enough to be able to pump a head! I really can’t think of a good solution to diapers when you’re offshore. What if you get really nasty morning sickness or you have a baby that doesn’t sleep well and you need to make a crossing? Trust me, there are many nights when I have been REALLY thankful that no one needed to be awake enough to notice if the anchor was dragging. Also, we’d like for the kids to establish something that they think of as home that we can return to when we come back. Best of luck in your next phase of life! Maybe we’ll see you out there somedy and our kids can babysit yours! 🙂

Debra October 17, 2009 at 9:09 am

Hello, just happened on your site for the sale of your beautiful ship. My husband and I are in our mid fifties and we would like to “retire” by doing exactly what you have done this past four years!! I dont know alot about sailing tho we have been on some sailng trips; my husband is quite knowledgeable. Your boat looks perfect for what we have in mind; please continue to blog as I am very eager to hear and learn everything about your journeys and please advise if you feel this is a good place to start our “new life”

Drew October 18, 2009 at 3:40 pm

Thanks for all the comments! Keep em coming. There’s some really interesting info in here. Especially from people like Becky above. Debra, I sent you an email.

No_limits31 October 22, 2009 at 12:35 pm

As for the actress, I have no problem with her. ,

Tom and Michele December 7, 2009 at 1:10 pm

Hi Drew and Margie!
Thanks for inspiring us to start sailing. Your blog has been an inspiration enough, that we have purchased our first boat. We will be relocating to Florida next summer, and hope to purchase a larger well equipt boat there to begin our adventures as you two have done. We plan on sailing for 3 months out of the summer to coincide with Michele’s college teaching schedule. After seeing and reading all your adventures, we are excited to start. Thanks again, and good luck to you both.

Stephan, Sue and Nicki December 20, 2009 at 1:01 am

Hi Drew
Merry Christmas!
We are New Zealand sailors returning from Oman, finishing our 2 year work contract in June 2010 and are looking out for a beautiful yacht with lovely lines…Please let us know how much you are thinking of selling your yacht, if it has not been sold already…
Stephan, Sue and 6 year old Nicki

check6 December 24, 2009 at 1:12 pm

I can’t believe you two are so self centered about moving on in your lives to leave your avid readers hanging. What’s more important, us or your well being? 🙂

Deb January 1, 2010 at 10:55 pm

Drew –
I’m looking at the situation from the eyes of a 53 year old that is 2 1/2 years into a 5 year plan to retire to a sailboat. While I don’t have any regrets about the way I’ve lived my life or raised my kids, I do wish I had been given the opportunity to choose the sailing life many years before now. At this age I feel the insidious pull of the quicksand of materialism and long for the simple, meaningful life that sailing affords. I believe my children would have been infintely better prepared for the challenges they are facing had they grown up in the cruising life. That being said, I remember those early days of child rearing and I can imagine that the above comments about diapers on a boat are worth taking to heart.
Asking for other people’s advice is great, but remember that the decision is you and Margie’s alone. You must be at peace with it both now and 20 years from now. Best of luck and we hope to see you out there sometime.

Genevieve March 28, 2010 at 12:10 am

Hey Guys,
Man…reading your stories brings back memories. Back in ’86 my folks sold everything and we hopped on our 37 ft sailboat to head into the blue. We spent 4 years cruising..Mexico, Marquesas, F. Polynesia, Fiji, Tonga, Nuie, New Caledonia and finally Australia. I wish we had never stopped. It was the most amazing experience in my life. I’ve known of babies being born in the cockpit..raised on board, the sea life becoming their playground. Nimble little beings totally at peace in the water world. It’s been done many times before. As far as diapers…well….letting them get towed behind you in a net bag works pretty well!!! 😉 Kids are never too old or too young…they’re amazing at adapting.
I’m 37 now and still can’t get comfortable living in ‘society’. I’m now looking at buying a boat myself.
I wish you luck in your endeavors and send you all the blessings to see you and Marge back at sea again. …ps…I agree that a career in the medical field would be advantageous to seeing you at sea again. I’m an RN just for that reason.

Joel Davis January 13, 2016 at 11:56 pm

I just blundered into this blog, (apparently gathering dust a bit). Still, I can’t help but comment. About 38 years ago, I finally found work at a newspaper in a port city (Portland, OR) and was able to realize a longstanding dream of becoming a liveaboard and enjoying the nautical life. I bought a 36 foot wooden Bill Garden design cutter that was my home through the 80s. Life evolved, marriage, career, children–and throughout, the boat was central, but the cruises were short–commandeered by the 40-hour work week.

Now, I’m finally retired and that boat is gone, rot exorcised, and the hardware salvaged. My fleet is now local rivercraft–fishboats, kayaks, etc. So I read with interest about how Dosia eventually was sold. Poetic irony, I suppose–the other day, a boatyard buddy put a shiny turd in my pocket in an offer I couldn’t refuse–a latent cruising dream still alive, only hibernating, and wrapped in a basketcase 36 foot Pearson 365 ketch. An abandoned project that is now on my stovetop. I’ll be 70 in two years. I wonder where we’ll hold that birthday party? Actually, I wonder what this boat will be named by then? (it came without even a name–just a VIN number). I’ll be looking through your blog for hints on my own restoration project. Good luck with the career/kid/marriage trip.

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