Passage to NZ, Day 2

by Margie on November 2, 2009

Covered 138 nautical miles in our first 24 hours at sea so no complaints coming from us. Drew’s currently watching the back of his eyelids while I keep an eye out up on deck. It’s been a while since I’ve been on a passage where the rocking of the boat was more peaceful than pissful but thus is the case and I slept better last night and most of the morning than I ever have at sea. The motion of the boat is like a dose of Ambien to me when it’s this calm out. Dosia’s weight loss back in Neiafu seems to be working in her favor and she’s sailing quite nicely. We’ve seen anywhere from 4 1/2 to 7 knots today and were able to stop motoring which is great for our diesel conservation. We’re hoping to get at least two or three good sailing days, if not more, out of the early part of the trip and then we know we have the fuel on board to motor us the rest of the way to New Zealand if need be. Hopefully that won’t be the case but it’s reassuring and good for my blood pressure! Right now there are steady 10 to 15 knot winds coming from the south/southeast that are supposed to maintain for the next day or two. We keep this pace up and we’ll be happy cruisers.

Drew’s got the remains of our mahi catch from the trip to Nuku’Alofa up on deck, soaked in soy sauce & red pepper flakes, and he’s making fish jerky. Pre prepped tuna casserole filled our bellies for dinner last night and since it’s pretty calm out I might even get in the galley tonight and whip something up that doesn’t come out of a tin can. Drew likes to test my patience during passages by calling me his “galley wench.” Yeah, keep talking. I’ve got your galley wrench…i mean wench…

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