Back in the States :-(

by Drew on April 28, 2010

Hmm.  Two full months since our last blog post.  That’s not good.  Not good at all.  Let’s see, what happened in the last 60 or so days that took up all our time and kept us from our precious blog?  We went from Melbourne back to NZ where we rented a car and toured the South Island. We spent 4+ days in Queenstown with our friends Allan and Rina from Follow You Follow Me hurling ourselves off cliffs, platforms, and out of planes. We visited Milford Sound and the thoroughly unexciting town of Dunedin before driving back to Christchurch where we flew off to Hong Kong via Singapore. Four days later we were shopping the Champs Elysees in Paris after lunching in Beijing. Four days after that we grabbed some fish and chips in Dublin before landing in Raleigh to see my family. Four days after that we were knee deep in caulk and paint at our current location…Greensboro, Georgia. And after all that; four years of traveling and sailing, one full revolution of the earth, countless long-haul flights, twenty-five countries, weeks at sea, and tens of thousands of nautical miles I can conclude just one thing: Not living on a boat in the South Pacific islands sucks ass.

Seriously.  Who came up with this “real life” crap?  I went from sitting on a sandbar drinking Hinanos to sitting in the drive-thru at Wendy’s waiting on my Bacon-ator.  The transition has been hard.  We’ve moved onto much larger, much more stressful projects.  Within the next couple of weeks, Marge and I will have ownership in three separate businesses between the two of us.  One of those businesses I’m starting with my entire life savings and therefore committing myself for quite some time to this very small town.  We could take that same money and settle on a beach in the islands somewhere; open up a dive shop, sell rum drinks to tourists.  It’d be interesting to reach the point where “going to bed” means the limbo pole gets so low you fall over backwards and pass out.  Why, you ask, are we not doing that?  Simple.  We want to go back out there again. And to do it the way we want to do it takes a lot of hard work here in the real world.  No, it won’t be any time soon but we’re already talking about it.  We talk about where we want to go (Marge-Caribbean, Drew-Med), how big a boat we’d like (Marge-big catamaran, Drew– huge catamaran), and how we’ll achieve that goal (Marge-win the lottery, Drew-build the exit strategy before you build the business).  We’ll make it out there again.  I’m sure of it.

Until then we have our memories and our photos, our travel buddies, and blog to keep us in the spirit.  Currently I’m unable to read any travel/sailing blogs due to an unresolved anger-jealously issue but whenever I reach that point we’ll have all the experiences of others to live through as well.  If you’re traveling through Georgia between Augusta and Atlanta anytime soon, stop in and see us.  Maybe by then I’ll have the billboard up.  She doesn’t believe me, but keep an eye out for a twelve foot tall Marge on the side of I-20 advertising one of our businesses.  It’s coming.  It really is.


sleepy May 4, 2010 at 2:41 pm

way to go guys, fantastic trip and great logs. I’ve followed you since the beginning and have loved it. high fives all around.

johnny b May 7, 2010 at 11:15 am

i have followed your travels for a long long time drew. i envy your enthusiasm as well as your spirit. you have the right ideas about how to live your life and for that i tip my hat to you. most people get so caught up in the routine that society hands out as the norm, but you have looked and reached way beyond that. keep your dreams alive and never lose that awesome focus on what matters most. a happy life. if you need an island fix call johnny b anytime. 🙂

Tom May 25, 2010 at 5:23 am

It’s a shame I’ve just found your blog today now that your trip is over. By the sounds of things I should just watch this space though, hope to see more from you in the future!

Chad July 23, 2010 at 6:39 pm

I would love to see an update on terrestrial life, how business is going and when you are going sailing again.

M. Sullivan August 13, 2010 at 5:40 pm

Wow, amazing. It certainly inspires me to work hard, save some money and take a trip of a life time! Your posts are great and I can see why you have unresolved anger and jealously issues, I’m sure I would feel the same as you had I had a trip such as yours.

Lee October 14, 2010 at 5:05 pm

Oi! Had a chuckle last night. Used to follow your blog when I still drove a desk. Just sailed into Tonga a few nights ago and found myself in the head at the aquarium last night staring at your stamp on the wall. Cheers!


Jeff Sneed December 12, 2010 at 8:13 pm

You go guys.
I believe you can make it happen. It was great meeting both of you in ATL.

sailing vacations January 4, 2011 at 8:19 am

Fantastic trip

Hamilton Gord February 6, 2011 at 9:34 am

Sitting at the Wendy’ Drive Through… I shudder. Any photo of the billboard?

Drew February 6, 2011 at 5:36 pm

no pics yet! Just got her website finished finally!

cristina February 8, 2011 at 3:49 pm

how i wish i can go sailing with my honey with a nice yacht!

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