Passage to NZ, Day 7

by Margie on November 7, 2009

Well we finally found those winds we had been looking and longing for. Strong gusts of about 15 to 20 knots have filled the sails from the Southeast and the ol’ Perkins is finally getting a break after about 60 hours of nonstop motoring. I had every intention of cooking up a nice pot of spaghetti tonight and figured I’d have no problems doing so seeing how it’s been calm as a cucumber out here up until this point. But we’re back to the sailing I’m accustomed to and instead Drew got a can of instant soup. Ha! In many previous blogs I’ve stressed my discomfort for boiling pots of water that appear to be flying at my head. Watching me boil pasta underway hands Drew one of the biggest laughs of his adult life as I reach to stir from as far away as my extended handle spoon allows me before high tailing it around to the safe side of the galley. I’ll cook all day, everyday at anchor. Just please, please don’t make me do much cooking when the stove looks like it’s about to do a somersault.

Glad to be making some good headway, scooting along at well over six knots average. Drew says the winds are going to wrap around and be on the nose for the last day of the trip and we’ll have to beat our way into Opua. We’re thankful for the fuel conservation we’re getting out of these winds right now. We thought we might be lucky enough to get there on Monday but now Drew’s saying probably Tuesday. Tack on that extra night of worrying for my mom.

Let’s see today we slept, read books, ate canned soup, and were visited by a rather large pod of dolphins. First time I’ve seen any in my entire time being on this trip! It was the largest pod Drew’s ever seen and while we’d hoped they come and play around and chase alongside the boat, it was pretty obvious they were feeding and they were gone just as quickly as they appeared. A little excitement, nonetheless! You take whatever entertainment you can get out here. If we come across a talking sea gull we’ll be sure to let you know. For right now we’ll just have to consider not much of any news as good news.

{ 1 comment }

Monique November 7, 2009 at 8:15 pm

Bust a move, people. We are awaitin’ here! So happy your sail is calm, tranquil, filled with dolphins, flipping galley stoves and other simple pleasures. We’re excited to invite you for a sleepover!! Don’t want to jinx anything, but congrats on a “boring” passage thus far! xo, Monique, Tom, Cammi and Cole

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