Passage to NZ, Day 9

by Margie on November 9, 2009

Had a pretty rough night last night which entailed absolutely no sleep for Drew. Throughout a twelve hour time frame which started about 8 p.m., we only went about 12 miles. Can you say frustrating? The winds shifted, Drew adjusted. As soon as he was adjusted, they’d switch again. He was none too happy when I finally came to about 5:30 this morning. After about seven more hours of the same battle things finally started getting back on track a little after noon today. Although I can’t technically see it, I can envision the finish line not far away. We found the angle against these southerly winds we’d been fighting for the past 30 hours and although it’s still bumpy, we’re glad to be making progress again. 68 more miles to go. One more night, obviously assuming all goes well this evening. I’m gonna go ahead and take the high road on this assumption and say that between the hours of four and six in the morning we will be arriving at the entrance to the Bay of Islands. When our parents break from their daily routines and schedules tomorrow for lunch they will be able to breathe a little easier knowing that we are safe. So will I. New Zealand. Neither of us can even begin to believe it…

{ 1 comment }

Jim November 10, 2009 at 4:25 pm

Hi guys
Welcome to NZ, don’t know if you’ve got our recent messages but we are very keen to view the boat we plan to spend a year in the pacific and have been patiently waiting for you to arrive.
Our Tel 09 4079604 021 270 1588
Thanks Jim and Sue

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