NZ to Brisbane, Australia-Day 3

by Drew on January 31, 2010

(posted by Marge)

All’s well aboard. We officially went an entire 24 hours without turning on the engine. Guess we found those winds they’d been promising, huh? We averaged a solid 6.5 knots all day yesterday and on my watch last night I woke Drew to see if he wanted to pull in some of the sails because we were doing close to 8.5! We did slow it down a bit which is my preference at night.

Starting to find the rythym that normally comes after three or four days. You get into a pattern with the night watches and stuff and the time just ticks by. I haven’t showered in four days though so my hair and underarm’s are starting to really bug me. If it stays much the same as it has been for the past 72 hours then hopefully we’ll get to take some showers today!

Weather forecast is still looking good for the next four days and by late Monday/early Tuesday we should know for sure what the tail end of our journey is going to be like. About 475 miles away from our current position lies Middleton and Elizabeth Reefs so there is always the option for us to stop there if the weather turns. I always hope that timing wise it works out to pass reefs such as these during the day, just from a safety stand point, and to be able to just truck on by. At that point in the trip, you’re more ready to just get it over with than anything.

More tomorrow! Here’s to the winds keeping up…

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