Crossing the Tasman Sea -Days 4 & 5

by Drew on February 1, 2010

(posted by Marge)

You know those times where you sit down to write an email, a blog post, what have you, and just feel like nothing you have to say is going to come out interesting? That’s how I felt yesterday. Not a whole lot to tell. The passage continues to go well and we, along with our parents, are grateful. Yesterday we posted our best day yet and from 8 PM Saturday to 8 PM Sunday we covered 167 miles. That’s good. Real good. Two great days of sailing have left us in a good position. Granted we keep up speed there is a possibility we may be able to pull in on Friday but lessons learned from all passages prior, you never get your hopes up too much…

Today was the epitome of laziness as we had our first rain of the trip. Cooped up inside for most of the day, I snuggled into my little nook in the pilot berth while Drew vegged out on the couch. We watched several movies in hopes of passing the time and as always, the motion of the boat rocked us gently in and out of quick cat naps. Pre made lasagna did the trick for din din although I haven’t felt exceptionally well today so Drew took down most of it. Constant teeth issues continue to plug at me on a daily basis and despite the nagging I try my best to keep it amongst my teeth and not let the annoyance spill out in the form of me taking it out on poor Drew. Another lesson to be learned…procrastination when it comes to your teeth does not in fact pay off in the long run.

As my boat monkey snoozes next to me, I’m watching the GPS, while keeping a lookout on the horizon for any traffic, and we have 520 nautical miles to go, HOPEFULLY, 7 more night watches a piece. We’ll keep plugging along!

{ 1 comment }

momma kopp February 2, 2010 at 5:27 pm

Piggy, I’m so sorry you’re still have tooth problems. You really need to get that taken care of in Australia if you can. Glad it’s been smooth sailing and let’s pray it continues. Not much longer now. Love you guys tons.

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